Website [Portfolio Version 04.08.2023]
(c) 2023 Jerome Salac Portfolio
All rights reserved

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Sundance Film Festival

Sundance Film Festival Welcome to the Darkroom

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Problem: The current Sundance branding doesn't call back to film enthusiast.

Idea: Bring movie enthusiast behind the scenes to show its not just Filmmaking Magic.

Phase 1 Preproduction


Poster Campaign

Guerrilla Ad

We would have QR codes around famous movies and films featured at Sundance. Once activated we would play a 15 second scene from that location. In addition to that we would show a breakdown on how that shot was acquired.

Social Media Ad


The film thumbnails are the microsite's key features that are shown as negatives unless hovered over by your mouse or clicked on.

Phase 2 Production

Phase 3 Post Production

Festival Merchandise


Art Directors

Jerome Salac
Genquie Smith

Copy Writers

Genique Smith


Jerome Salac
Genique Smith

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Extra C-Talk

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WWF Invasive Species